Thursday 16 September 2010


So what can I tell you about yesterday…it was almost exciting lol
I logged on a little after 5 to get some ratting done, however after popping 1 battleship my ratting was rudely interrupted by a pilot entering system that I was informed is neither friendly or blue, he does have a habit of hot dropping ratting ships tho..
Being careful I docked up my odd pve fit harb..gave it 15 mins he didn’t leave..i was getting bored at this point so I undocked and did a scan to see what he was in,.. a Tristan.
Now a Tristan is defiantly killable, however the likely hood of it being a cyno ship is quite high…I wasn’t gonna fly a pve fit harb at it…so after half hour asking about I pod over to another system to buy myself a pvp fit punisher…much happier risking that.
However at that point my night went to shit and I had endless phone calls for a couple of hours. By the time I got back he was long gone and there were a few nuets in system but I had no way of knowing their standing with legio so I left them be.
Still I have a pvp ship on stand by now just in case, and im sure my landlords at legio wont mind me popping the odd war target if the chance presents itself…


  1. I always he a spare fit rifter kicking about our home system mate (might have one with rigs even). Want me to contract you one? If you don't use it, feel free to contract it back when you are done with your Sec status.



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  3. we have many people that will come and camp our systems. most commonly it will be CVA leaving cloaky cyno ships in system just prevent us from ratting or mining. we have been blobed by CVA Titan bridges in the past there is a reason you are advised to dock when neutrals enter legio space. provi as it is has a lot of alliance with titans capable of bridging into our pocket an it's a constant threat as long as the system is not cyno jamed but even then covert cynos can still ruin solo ratting. your best bet would be to fleet up and run havens or sanctums with a few legio pilots. when I have time I would love to fly with you =) just hit up kak alakin and I'll join you for some fun.
