Thursday 2 September 2010

is that a klingon off the starbord bow? or a worm hole.

I am a true blue explorer.

Last night I made my first tentative steps into probing.
I took out a magnate, didn’t want to risk an amanthea yet, and decided to tech myself to scan crap down, I figured cosmic sigs were good to practice on as they don’t move or disappear.
It took a while to get the hang of it, I found setting the probes in the right formation to perform the scans the hardest part, I kept putting them all on top of each other instead of a nice lattice.
The first 45 mins of scanning were very frustrating, I kept getting 45% hits then losing the sig altogether and restarting, then I realised my mistake and something clicked.
I scanned down 2 wormholes in the matter of a few mins. One was a worm hole leading to hisec, the other was a class two WH.
I am beginning to understand how to do this, once I get good with cosmic sigs…I move on to ships..the watch out fella.
As a side note, im very close to being able to fly a pilgrim…a bloody long way from affording one tho, so may have to look in to hacking and such in low sec as a extra way to make astral some isk, might be fun.


  1. if you want to do some probing you are wellcome to join me :) every day a low sec roam, nice isk to be found there... yesterday we got unlucky and cause of my error we lost one of guys to veto priates... but hey, some you win, some you lose :P

    btw. with proper skils and faction probes, you will be scaning those ships under 25 sec for small ones, big ones in first pass...

    cheers :)

  2. DATACORES! Free ISK with nothing to do. NUFF SAID!



  3. I do scanning on the side with my mission runner.
    Amateur tip: i use 8 core probes, 1 at 0.25au, 1 at 1au and the rest at 4au. the 4au's i set to cover each of the xyz axis' so they only just totally overlap the 1au probe's sphere. i centre this formation on a celestial (dont know if gates count) using shift drag and perform a scan. i recentre on any sigs i find and repeat. with this formation i dont have to rearrange the probes for most sigs for me to get 100%. i use a covops at skill 4 and basic scan launcher and probes.

    best of luck with flashy red, see you around, i like low sec...
