Wednesday 21 July 2010

Vespa's world (in charecter)

Vespa was sitting in the hanger going through the production reports for the week; production on rifter’s and punishers was better than she had expected. A small light began flickering on her console, she flipped to the com Channel open and was greeted with the glare of the harsh looking amarr face.
“yes astral?”
“How is the production going? I’m going to need to “borrow” some of the profits for a new harbinger”
“I will be bringing the stock to Auner soon, multiple frigate’s and a few items I noticed went for sale anywhere those 200mm plates your so fond of using.”
“well done, I knew there was a reason I bought you. Add my normal mark up, make the low life’s pay well, unless they are friend’s of mine.”
“Is there anything else you need?
“rum is always needed!, and I want some thing to do, bring me some exotic dancers as well”
The screen went blank, he never bothered with hello or goodbye.

Vespa still had mixed feeling’s towards Astral, he had bought her some years ago and intended to keep her in his “personal” service, however he had seen potential in her and sponsored her to become a capsuleer, he was the very thing she hated, yet had given her freedom, now days he was her employer and mentor in many ways but left her to her self, as long as she kept him in ships and rum.

“Fit the Hauler for lowsec, cant keep the pirates waiting!”


Dont be to harsh it's my first attempt :)


  1. I love the way you are starting to build the relationship between Vespa and Astral, the change from slave to employee will give you a lot of scope for the future. Look forward to reading more..

  2. Very nice Mr. Astral. In character is some place I don't plan to go anytime soon.



  3. Astral, your post is inspiring for employee that is hard working and loyal. That somehow the relation between them is not just because of work or for warcraft gold. Do it because of friendship and you want to.

  4. Keep it up, Eve has a rich basis for rp should one wish to venture into it.

    Look forward to more in the future!

  5. Thats actually pretty good, I'd love to see more.

    This is my best work imo

    It's about time

    if you click on the IC label you will find some of my others, not quite as good I think

    comments on anything is always welcome
